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Too Write


Trainsport | Antwerp Central Station, Belgium 2018

Trainsport Within | Belgium, 2018

Writing is everybody's weak spot. Churning out even four hundred cohesively written words would take at least four minutes of your time. Which isn't bad in a sense. But still, it's something that almost everyone must learn to do.

Why is that, exactly? To me at least, writing helps get rid of long stuck thoughts inside your head. Brain-clutter, one might say. It's easy to read, listen, or watch something until you fall asleep. But those activities still won't help in getting out that brain-clutter.

Well, not all clutter should be thrown out. That's why writing it down is good. Jotted down mental notes to look back upon. Writing isn't always about being right though. It will most likely fifty-two percent of the time start from an opinion.


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