The High Line
Infrastructure in cities is ever growing, and there are infrastructure that become out of date or unused within the years. One of these examples can be found in New York, which is an elevated railway system built through the city which was used to transport logistics to the industrial buildings of the city. This abandoned railway line turned into a naturalised green space with weeds and greenery forming along the railway. This brought the city of New York to initiate a redesign of this city element, transforming it into a public space. James Corner won the design competition with the design of the High Line, which is a .. km long public space built along the city. It consists of several public amenities, as well as having access points throughout the city making it a new accessible public space for the people. The High Line is an example of recovering an unused element without having to demolish it. By maintaining this elevated structure, it creates a new atmosphere for the city of New York, and a unique and new type of city park.

Aerial view of the High Line

Railway line embedded in the landscape

Diagram of the High Line concept