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Conducting Nature

Conducting Nature was a submission for the 120 Hours Competition in Norway. The design of Geiranger Hyperdock was meant to orchestrate the beauty of the nature that surrounds it. Accomodating the great scenery of the Fjord, with bridges that connects the villages in Geiranger to the main hyperdock will increase the development in this area.  


Conucting Nature adalah pemasukan untuk sayembara 120 Hours Competition di Norway, Rancangan Geiranger Hyperdock ini bermaksud untuk menyatukan keindahan alam disekitarnya. Mengakomodasi pemandangan bagus di Fjord dengan jembatan yang menghubungkan desa-desa  di Geiranger menuju hyperdock utama yang dapat meningkatkan pengembangan di daerah tersebut.



Site: Geiranger, Norway

Status: Competition Entry

Collaborators: Dany Nugroho D., Patriot Negri


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