Mushroom Leather
Leather as we know currently is made out of animal skin, may it be sheep, cow, or pig skin. This material is commonly used for things such as jackets, pants, wallets, etc. Now, a company in Indonesia called Mycotech is developing a new material that is made out of growing mushrooms. This material is developed to be turned into leather substitutes, as well as cladding for walls, and even furniture or construction. Mushroom has an advantage in sustainability as it is self growing material, and can grow in most climates as well as a quick growing rate. The company started by producing mushroom seeds in boxes that they call Growbox, that can be farmed and harvested by people in there homes. This is a good practice of urban farming by breeding and eating these mushrooms and is a practice of urban sustainability. So besides for eating, the use for products is also an opportunity for mushrooms, which makes it a very sustainable material.

Factory of Mycotech

Mushroom farm in Mycotech

Wallet product from mushroom leather by Mycotech